Category: Guides and Templates
Help me first – more meaningful ROI
Businesses always want to increase their ROI. This is a pretty straight forward statement and one which no one ever argues against. The question of “How do we, as a company, increase our capital within the confines of our set marketing and advertising budget?” is an issue every company has.
Editorial Markup
I realize that this article should be common knowledge but it bears repeating because not everyone is aware of standardized editing marks. I am sure anyone that has worked in a business environment has received feedback on something they wrote and had to figure out what the proofreader was trying to say.
Stages of an Online Project
One of the very first important issues I had to deal with when starting my first business was how to effectively manage a client through a project. At first the jobs were relatively small, so I reinvented the wheel with each of my clients, but that quickly became tiresome and besides I was focusing on…
Change Management
It is important, or rather necessary, to detail any changes that you or your company make on the request of a client and you must keep a proper record of all changes implemented during a project’s lifecycle. More often than not it will be the duty of the Producer/Project Manger to ensure the implementation and…
Naming Methodology
There are many theories on how to best structure a site, but it suffices to say that it is best determined from the intent of the product or service and from the type of content. That is why this article will solely deal with a naming methodology for various sections and single content pages within…