I am part of an ebook group that began at OCAD about one year ago. We call our ebook the sbook, short for smart book. Our goal is simple: to envision the successor to the printed codex not so simple.
Throughout this last year I have been fixated on the technology, media and publishing news that never seems to rest. Major shifts in technology and their acceptance are happening so quickly that even as the writers in traditionally established publishing houses publish their articles, their scribing becomes nothing more than the thoughts of mere pundits. The following are some of those article titles taken from two months in early 2010.
Headlines of the ebook’s relentless digital march
January 08
The Gurdian | CES 2010: The ebook revolution
January 9
NYT | A Deluge of Devices for Reading and Surfing
January 10
NYT | Optimism Takes Charge at Consumer Electronics Show. From Print to Phone to Web. And a Sale?
January 11
Wattpad Release | Wattpad Closes Funding Round
January 13
All Things Digital | Sony’s E-Reader Opens New Chapter in Kindle Rivalry
January 25
The Millions | Confessions of a Book Pirate
January 26
Technology Review | Amazon Expands the Kindle with Apps
January 27
NPR | Will An Apple Tablet Heat Up E-Book War?
NPR | In An Era Of Immediacy, Why Fear The E-Book?
January 28
PCWorld | Apple’s iPad Ready to Challenge the Kindle
Neowin | Is the iPad Apple’s iFail?
The Economist | The book of Jobs
The Economist | Steve Jobs and the tablet of hope
Daring Fireball | Various and Assorted Thoughts and Observations Regarding the Just-Announced iPad
NYT| Despite Changes, Many Still Oppose Google Books Deal
January 29
Itbusiness | Apple iPad — 5 setbacks and two show stoppers
The Guardian | Palms, Kindles, Nooks, iPads – none are as cool as Gutenberg’s gadget
WSJ Blogs – DIGITS | E-Readers Fall Short for News, Study Says
The Journal | Measuring the iPad’s Potential for Education
Learning Solutions Magazine | Apple’s iPad: What does it offer for e-Learning?
January 30
TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home | Apple’s iPad DRM uncertainties make the Financial Times: ePub gummed up
Jan 31
Mediaweek | The iPad: Great Type Hope? Optimists see iPad’s promise, but where’s the video?
NYT | Rosensweig Lands at Textbook Renter Chegg.com
Feb 03
Mashable | Amazon Buys Touchscreen Company for Its Kindle Division
PC World | Five Reasons Why the iPad Won’t Change Higher Education
Feb 04
All Things Digital | PBS’s “Frontline” Considers the “Digital Nation”–A Lot of Handwringing Over the Inevitable, but Watch It Anyway
Feb 05
Wired | Panacea or Poison Pill: Who Gets to Decide About $10 E-Books?
February 07
Guardian | As I start to write my latest book, I fear for the future of publishing. Retailing pressure and the emergence of the ebook are threatening the future of authors and their work
The Sunday Times | British Library to offer free ebook downloads Jane Austen: Originals cost £250
February 8
NYT | Kindle Books in Snack Sizes
NYT | Publishers Win a Bout in E-Book Price Fight
February 10
Inside Higher Ed | E-Library Economics
NYT | E-Book Price Increase May Stir Readers’ Passions
NYT | Do School Libraries Need Books?
February 12
NYT | Do E-Readers Cause Eye Strain?
February 15
The Guardian | Why I’m an ebook convert
L.A. Times | Apple to wrap digital books in FairPlay copy protection [Clarified]
February 16
The Australian | Don’t resist e-books, Carr warns
February 21
NYT | Textbooks That Professors Can Rewrite Digitally
February 22
The Phoenix | Holy Scrollers! The future of e-publishing can be found in one of the world’s oldest books.
Feb 24
Inside Higher Ed | A Win For Publishers
Feb 28
NYT | Math of Publishing Meets the E-Book
March 01
The Independent | Here’s to the small print: The past and future of compact literature
March 02
Gigaom.com | Books Now Outnumber Games on the iPhone
March 4
The Globe and Mail | A lament for the bookshelf
Publishers Weekly | Barnes & Noble to Test Bundling e-Books, p-Books