As it is a non-profit, this company has to use it’s money sparingly and engage resources only when they believe it can help their directives. They service both Ontario dentists and the people of Ontario to help educate them and to provide consistency to the practise. Thirst tried to help them with their publication redesign.
Client Bio
The ODA is a voluntary, not-for-profit association committed to supporting its member dentists and the promotion of optimal oral health for the people of Ontario.
Personal History
Truth be told, I have a great friend who works at their office. He wanted to bring me in to enhance the look and feel of the association’s Journal.
To redesign Ontario Dentist Magazine so that it better represents the sophistication of its audience and increases the advertising value of space within its pages.
Unfortunately this project was never realized and so today remains only a concept. The image below represents one of the the initial concepts for their magazine cover and the redesign of their logo.